
May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

The month of May marks Global Employee Health and Fitness Month,  an annual celebration that aims to improve the health of our workforce.  

At Flatrock, we understand the importance of healthy employees and want to support our employees’ efforts to get and stay fit.

Small lifestyle changes can add to big differences in our overall health and fitness! Some little things that can be incorporated into the workday to promote a healthy lifestyle include:

· Park farther away so you get more steps into your daily routine

· Stand instead of sit whenever possible

· Take a walk during breaks

· Pack a healthy lunch so you aren’t tempted to order fast food

· Quit smoking, along with a coworker for support

Don’t forget that mental health is tied to physical well-being! A kind or encouraging word to coworkers can make a big difference in their outlook and make the workplace healthier and happier!