
Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week

Since its inception, the Random Acts of Kindness movement has gained so much momentum, and Random Acts of Kindness Week is celebrated by more and more people each February!

We often hear inspirational and heartwarming stories about people buying a stranger’s lunch or extending the meter of an unknown person’s about-to-expire parking place. These are great things that make our communities kinder, gentler and friendlier.

But random acts of kindness need not be reserved for strangers! Our family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and neighbors are great targets for kindness, as they are often the people who we take for granted the most. Some ideas on how to show kindness to your loved ones, friends, and family:

1.     Take on a chore for a family member or neighbor without asking or expecting anything in return.
2.     Bring in treats for your co-workers.
3.     Thank a neighbor who has a great holiday display or tends a beautiful garden.
4.     Slip a note of appreciation in a family member’s lunchbox.
5.     Send a card via snail mail to a good friend you haven’t connected with in a while saying you were thinking of them.
6.     Give a compliment! Our communications with family and coworkers can get very task-driven. Take a moment to give some positive reinforcement.
7.     Forgive someone.  

At Flatrock, kindness is a core value followed by all of our team members and residents, and we think of random acts of kindness as a year-round endeavor. Remember, kindness is contagious, so pass It on!